What factors are related to the wall penetration ability of industrial wireless routers
What is the penetrating ability of industrial wireless routers? An important indicator of "wall penetrating ability" is that the wireless LAN of industrial routers uses wireless microwave frequency bands. The biggest feature of microwave is that it propagates almost in a straight line, and its diffraction ability is very weak. Therefore, the industrial-grade router wireless receiving equipment behind obstacles will be blocked by obstacles. The wireless signal that "penetrates" the obstacle will gradually become a weaker signal. As for how strong the signal is, this is the penetration ability or directly the "wall penetration ability".
IoT wall penetration industrial router gateway DTU

The transmit power, receive sensitivity (this is bidirectional), antenna gain, and effective transmission distance of industrial LTE routers are all directly related to the partition penetration capability, whether the connection is stable, and the final actual transmission rate. It is very important to achieve a stable speed and seamless connection. key indicators.

The ability of industrial-grade LTE routers to penetrate partitions usually depends on the following technical indicators of industrial dual-card routers:

(1) IEEE 802.11 stipulates that the maximum transmission power of wireless LAN equipment is 20dBm (100 milliwatts), and generally larger industrial full-network router products must reach 17dBm.

(2) The current optimal receiving sensitivity is -105dB. When passing through a layer of wood, the received signal will be attenuated by 4dB; when passing through a brick wall, the received signal will be attenuated by 8-15 dB; when passing through a reinforced concrete wall, the received signal will be attenuated by at least 15-30 dB. The wireless device with a transmission sensitivity as high as 105dB has strong wall penetration; it can continuously penetrate three reinforced concrete walls with a thickness of 1.2 meters and a total interval of 30 meters without any relay equipment.

IoT wall penetration industrial router gateway DTU

(3) The antenna gain of industrial-grade full-network routers is preferably 3 to 5 dBi. The antenna gain of a general wireless LAN device is 2dBi. According to experience, the antenna signal with a gain of 2dBi can penetrate two walls. If there are too many rooms and many partitions pass through, it is best to install an industrial all-netcom router with a detachable antenna in order to configure a high-gain antenna, such as replacing a 5dBi omni-directional antenna for enhancement. It should be pointed out that the obstacle of the metal object not only blocks the microwave wireless signal, but also absorbs the electromagnetic energy and generates a weak current to leak away.

Therefore, the biggest obstacle for the wireless signal of the all-netcom industrial router in the home environment is the floor with steel mesh inside, and the signal in this direction has almost no possibility of penetration. The industrial-grade full-netcom router antenna is a passive device that will not increase power, no matter how much gain is added to the antenna, the power it emits will not be higher than the power of the full-network industrial-grade router itself. Jrepus industrial router adopts wireless dual-cellular antenna design scheme, with 2 external omnidirectional high-gain antennas, omnidirectional high-gain dual-antenna design, the signal is stronger.


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