Greenhouse intelligent monitoring solution using Jrepus IP Modem

With the continuous and in-depth development of automation measurement and control level, sensor measurement technology, and network communication technology, especially in recent years, the automation and modernization level of agricultural production has been raised to a new level.

greenhouse IoT gateway router DTU

In the construction of agricultural intelligence, the Agricultural Internet of Things is the current key development direction. It combines various current advanced technologies to transform the traditional planting supervision method into an intelligent, automated and networked comprehensive information supervision platform. The realized agriculture has changed from extensive management to refined management, and from decentralized management to centralized, unified and large-scale management.

Through the intelligent Internet of Things supervision, the management level, production efficiency, agricultural economic benefits and agricultural automation level of agriculture will be greatly improved. Using Jrepus IP Modem to remotely transmit the data of various sensors and control terminals to the data terminal can realize remote monitoring of agriculture.

The networked agricultural greenhouse intelligent remote monitoring system solution can simulate basic ecological environment factors, such as temperature, humidity, light, CO2 concentration, etc., to meet the needs of different biological growth and breeding. It is composed of intelligent monitoring units, according to preset parameters , accurately measure the climate and soil parameters of the greenhouse, and use manual and automatic methods to start or close different execution structures (sprinkler irrigation, wet curtain water pumps and fans, ventilation systems, etc.), the data required for the program are all through wireless Real-time data from various sensors collected by the terminal. On-site data acquisition terminal: monitor and collect relevant data in real time through front-end light sensors, carbon dioxide sensors, soil temperature and humidity sensors and other equipment.

greenhouse IoT gateway router DTU

Network transmission end: The industrial-grade wireless DTU is connected to the data acquisition end, and a data channel is established between the front-end and the data center through the operator network to facilitate data transmission and backup.

Data center end: The server stores, backs up and displays the transmitted data from the front end, and displays the data graphically through the cloud platform, which is convenient for management and maintenance personnel to analyze and process in a unified manner.

In addition to data monitoring, it is also possible to remotely turn on wind turbines, nozzles and other equipment according to the site conditions through PLC, which can provide an ideal growth environment for plants, and can reduce human labor intensity, improve equipment utilization, and improve Greenhouse climate, reduce pests and diseases, increase crop yield and so on. Reduce human labor intensity, improve equipment utilization, improve greenhouse climate, reduce pests and diseases, increase crop yield, etc.


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